Sunday, May 11, 2014

Beadphoria Bead Soup Servered!Bead Soup Necklace "Reflections of Lorelei" by Suzann Sladcik WilsonI'd expected to get two necklaces done-for todays bead soup show, however all that was altered by after smashing my left index finger in a cupboard a quick trip to the ER on Wednesday evening. Fortunately it's merely a serious bruise and needed a brace for some days.

I could conclude this necklace, Manifestations of Lorelei. The beads my bead soup spouse Melissa Rappaport sent are utterly out of my carton. They looked simply flow together after laying them out. I've long respected her work and her capability to combine different rocks and alloys jointly. Her wire-wrapping can be astounding. She actually was my muse for this particular piece.Thanks, Lori Anderson for organizing the next portion of bead soup and once again stretching my imagination!When you got any questions about beading, or the next portion of bead soup, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at 224 305 3321 or Constantly pleased to discuss the pleasure of beading along with you, Suzann Sladcik Wilson of

1 comment:

  1. The Bead Soup blog hop is always a lot of fun. Suzann, I'm sorry to hear that you injured a finger - sounds like it was a very painful accident. I hope it is much better today and that you can return to creating beautiful jewelry.
    The combination of the tiger-eye beads with the turquoise blue donut pendant is very pretty.

    Your blog seems to be fairly new so I hope you do not mind if I make a couple of suggestion?
    1st - It would be nice if you had a followers button on your blog so that people ( like me) could follow your blog.
    2nd - On your profile page you have very little information about yourself. We know you like beads and making jewelry but there is not much information about anything else that you do. It would be nice to know if you're a student still in school or if you're a mother with small children. What do you like to do . . . do you like to garden - do you like sports - do you like to cook ? If you have a website where you sell things that you make, you should put a nice button on the side of your blog so visitors can click on it and go to your site to see what you make and what is for sale.
    As I said these are just suggestions that would make your blog more informative to your readers. If you need more ideas just visit other blogs and see how the blog owners have designed and set them up. :)
